Formulators Alert!
Add Ocean Organics Technical ingredients for enhanced Drought Stress management
Dry Land Millet: Nebraska 2020
Dryland Millet (Golden German Foxtail Millet)
Drought Stress:
No Rain from Mid June for Eight Weeks!
Yield Result:
Yield Increase with Stress Rx
35 Bu in treated crop vs.
28 Bu in non treated crop
Revenue Increase:
$5,250/Acre est.
Twenty-five Percent Increase!
Drought Stress;
No irrigation and No Rain for Eight Weeks!
Treatment Regimen:
Step 1:
Two fields treated with Ocean Organics’ Guarantee 0-0-1
Early June.
Step 2:
Drought (no rainfall) predicted
Step 3:
One field treated with Ocean Organic’s Stress RxAG applied Mid June.
One field not treated
Step 4:
No rainfall for 8 weeks!
Step 5:
Harvest both fields and compare yield:
Stress RxAG field 35 /acre;
No Stress Rx field 28 bu/acre.